Year End 2023

In 2023 the world was in turmoil, but what good news was there?

Think of the joy of the 135 million births in 2023. Of the fun and laughter during the (estimated) 2.2 million marriages. Then 8 billion of us had a birthday celebration. Memories of our : great holiday’s, new jobs, promotions at work, new homes, passing exams and, however small, achieving our goals.

What were the big global news stories this year? 2023 will be seen as a pivotal year in the use of genome sequencing to reduce life threatening disease. AIDS is on target to be eliminated by 2030. The first drugs to combat Alzheimers were successful in trials. Cancer treatments made really positive steps forward. COP 28 showed a glimmer of hope, with 200 countries agreeing to ‘transition’ away from fossil fuels. At the same time, the American’s successfully fused atoms( fusion) for the first time. This cleaner process, than fission, used in nuclear power( where atoms split) has the potential to provide us with unlimited supplies of electricity. In the Amazon basin, under President Lula da Silver, deforestation has reduced. Finally, some animal species are increasing in numbers. A new High Seas Treaty committed to increase internationally protected areas of the Ocean’s from 1.5% to 30%. In the West there are more women in boardrooms and the pay gap is reducing. Good news stories, and there are many more.

As for my year. Was there any good news? To lose weight ; fat chance. Get fit ; joined a gym but rarely attended. Get to bed earlier ; is 23.55 early? Learn Turkish ; tick. Learn English ; tick. Start Anthropology ; tick. Start a blog ; tick. Read more ; nah, my mind wanders too much. Learn to cook ; sorry, all guests continue to starve. Close a business ; yep, done. Just small steps forward.

When the world, out there, feels so out of control, personal joy comes through those small steps forward and spending time in the company of friends and family.

The flight, below, took me from Istanbul to the UK, through a sunset sky and in to the safe arms of my family for Christmas. Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas and New Year…





One response to “Year End 2023”

  1. Denise Avatar

    ❤️❤️❤️. Perfect x