What’s in the name?

Those who know me know that this couldn’t possibly be a blog about gardening, which the name maybe conjures. Nevertheless, the story does start with a botanical theme. The origins of the phrase,’ grasp the nettle’ comes from the untested ( by me) theory that if you grasp the common stinging plant firmly it will not sting you, but brushing your hands delicately across its leaves hurts you – a lot! Figuratively we give advice, ‘ grasp the nettle’ to imply being bold and grapple with something that at the outset may seem too difficult to take on.

I struck upon the phrase recently and couldn’t let it go. Looking back I have procrastinated a lot. I want to change this. As a human species too, isn’t it time we, ‘grasped the nettle’.

Welcome to my blog. I hope that you enjoy reading it over your morning coffee.


