
It is good to look back and reflect on my whole experience. My thoughts were this:

Choose the project more carefully next time. I want to work hard for a meaningful cause.

It was, sadly, difficult for me to be with only young people. I was an outlier, although I learned a great deal from this.

Learn the language. I was restricted on this trip by my poor French.

Find ways to meet more locals.

Not used: sleeping bag, sleeping mat, gloves (because no turtle nest sites to visit). White shorts (what was I thinking?)

Needed more : Mossy spray, Anti malaria tablets, a visa card

Things I will miss : Lemurs

Not miss : the super strong coffee, constantly dousing with mosquito spray.

Would i recommend Madagascar to others?

Most people that you meet are the French holidaying in beachy places like Nosy Be. Otherwise foreign visitors that are scientists and film makers suggesting that there is a serious interest in Madagascar, but from the comfort of your living room.

Truthfully, Madagascar is not an easy place to be. It is hot, humid, bug infested and tiring. The poverty challenges you at every turn with requests for small change for anyone giving you service ( and good service it is).

There is a huge disparity in costs to foreigners compared to the locals. This is okay for now, but if there is a greater level of tourism this needs to addressed. It doesn’t sit so well with me.

The people live a tough hand to mouth existence, but then have a calm aura. Mora Mora.

If you love trees, forests and wildlife – visit. It is truly memorable.

Will I be back? Maybe, yes……. if called upon to save those Lemurs.


