By popular demand…

…here I am adding to my blog.

Something I will attempt to do at least once per week, although mindful that the theme is ,’ grasping nettles’ that sting and need soothing with ointment, not smothering with aloe vera that soothes and sends you to sleep.

I asked family and friends for feedback on the blog so far, or I was volunteered it. All the feedback was great : you write as you speak, your personality came through, it was too political, it was anthropological, emotional, not emotional.

In general, the feedback was positive, encouraging me to continue, and, in a belief that you will never make all the people happy all of the time, will stick to the same format. The blog is a reflection of my interests and passions. It wasn’t planned as a conventional travel blog and I made a concerted effort not to overthink what I was writing.

Little by little, I will make improvements to it. I plan to set up notifications of new posts and give recognition to borrowed photos. The only thing I cant promise is better spelling and grammar!

I hope that you continue to read and enjoy over your morning coffee and it eases you through the winter months..

photo : kateryna – hliznitsnova ; unsplash





One response to “By popular demand…”

  1. Denise Avatar

    Great idea to carry on…. Lots of UN goals for you to take part in, wether travelling or in your home countries of Turkey & UK.
    Look forward to the updates (and the gorgeous pics of course) 😀